

The most valuable blessing you can receive from God is the gift of salvation. You can accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior right now. Reach out to us and we will guide you through that process. You can also get on your knees and confess all of your sins to God asking God for forgiveness. Ask God to wash away all of your sins with the blood of Jesus and ask Jesus to give you the gift of the Holy Spirit. Finally, invite Jesus to come into your heart as your personal Lord and Savior. AMEN. The next step is to purchase a Holy Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to a Bible teaching church. Ask the Holy Spirit to keep you out of Satan’s churches. A key element of a Godly church is where the Bible is continuously being taught and preached. A godly church must also preach on the topic of repentance, sanctification, holiness, heaven, and hell. Salvation must be by faith in Jesus Christ alone. Read John 14:6 and Acts 4:12. The evidence of a saved person must be shown through obedience of God’s word. Please John 14:15. Also read John 1:12 and Roman 10:9-10 and 1Timothy 2:5. For further assistance, please email us at


Be aware of mercenaries, counterfeit imitators, and wolves in sheep clothing. For the contest on Mount Carmel was not prophet Elijah’s own doing: Instead; It was the Lord who commanded Elijah to perform those miraculous acts (1 King 18:36). Similarly; Anointing Healing Oil ministry started under the command of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Jesus said “but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my father who is in heaven (Matt 10:33). If you have been healed by the Anointed Healing Oil; share your testimony with us by sending us a short video letting us know how the Lord has healed you. You can email us your testimony at Please tell us your name, where you are from, how you heard about us, what medical condition the Lord healed you from and what advised do you have for people who maybe doubting the healing power of this oil. Thank you for sharing your testimony with us and may the Lord continue to bring blessing, healing, peace, and joy into your life.